Kinds of Noun

You should have a thorough knowledge of nouns. What are nouns? Nouns are names given to persons, places, thing etc. Noun plays an important role in a sentence. If you know the different kinds of noun, it will be easy for you to write correct sentence.

We have different kinds of noun. They are

  1. Common Noun
  2. Proper Noun
  3. Collective Noun
  4. Abstract Noun

Common Noun

Name Common to every person, thing, place of the same kind or class.


  1. Besty is a pretty girl.
  2. Bill is a naughty boy.
  3. He is a brave soldier.
  4. Tom is a busy man.
  5. It is a crowded City.

Proper Noun

Name of a particular person or place.


  1. Paul is a popular man.
  2. New York is a busy city.
  3. I met Tennyson.
  4. Joyce is my best friend.
  5. Isaac is a good singer.

Collective Noun

Name of a number or collection of persons/animals taken together.


  1. The Crowd dispersed on seeing the police.
  2. A herd of elephants destroyed the fields.
  3. Our army fought bravely.
  4. The jury arrived on time.
  5. I saw a swarm of bees in my garden.

Abstract Noun

Name of Quality, Action, State, Arts and Science.

  • Quality: honesty, wisdom, goodness, brightness, bravery.
  • Action: laughter, love, hatred, movement
  • State: sleep, childhood, youth, boyhood, poverty
  • Arts and Science: music, chemistry, physics, ...


  1. He was awarded for his bravery.
  2. Goodness brings success.
  3. We had a hearty laughter.
  4. Love is the basic human value.
  5. He had a good sleep.

Exercise 1:

To familiarize : Point out the nouns and their kinds.

  1. Truth ever triumphs.
  2. A fleet of ships is ready.
  3. Alexander was a great king.
  4. Her innocence attracts everyone.
  5. A herd of sheep is crossing the road.

Exercise 2:

Fill in the sentence with suitable collective noun.

  1. herd of ....................
  2. mob/crowd/gathering/ group/throng of ....................
  3. fleet of ....................
  4. team of ....................
  5. band of ....................
  6. flock of ....................
  7. bunch of ....................
  8. nursery of ....................
  9. garland/bunch of ....................
  10. army of  ....................

Answers for Exercise 1:

  1. Truth - Abstract Noun
  2. Fleet - Collective Noun
  3. Alexander - Proper, Common Noun
  4. Innocence - Abstract Noun
  5. Herd - Collective Noun

Answers for Exercise 2:

  1. elephants / cattle / cow
  2. people
  3. ships
  4. players
  5. musicians
  6. birds
  7. fruits
  8. plants
  9. flowers
  10. soldiers

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